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MSCorp will continuously strive to prepare and deliver engineering documents of the highest technical quality using engineering and administrative controls to assure compliance with applicable specifications and contractual requirements. Our centralized Quality Management System (QMS) meets the requirements of International Standard Organization (ISO) 9001 and was specifically established to ensure MSCorp consistently and efficiently delivered quality products and services to guarantee high customer satisfaction. All work performed under any MSCorp task order is subject to our Quality Management System (QMS).
MSCorp’s QMS Manual was developed to provide repeatable, written guidance for company personnel (and subcontractors) related to the quality of all deliverables and includes the following sections for implementing the QA Program:
- Organization/Personnel Responsibilities
- Final Inspection and Testing
- QA Procedures/Planning
- Inspection and Test Records
- Purchasing
- Control of Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment
- List Item
- Product Identification and Traceability
- Process Control
- Inspection and Test Status
- Receiving Inspection and Testing
- Control of Non-conforming Product
- In process Inspection and Testing
- Corrective Action
- Control of Quality Records

In short, project inspection and review plans are prepared up front for all products and CDRL responses called for by a Delivery Order, check-off lists (updated and tailored as req’d) are used to ensure thoroughness, quality inspections are built into our workflow to ensure accuracy and we maintain a structured “lesson’s learned” system to ensure continuous improvement.
MSCorp recognizes the success of any project is ultimately determined by the cost, schedule, and performance criteria specified in the contract and every one of our employees understand quality (doing the job right, the first time) is integral to the projects overall success. We are committed to quality and total involvement and empowerment of all employees in meeting our customer’s needs.